Anxiety Counseling Colorado Springs


2021 Winner of Colorado Springs Gazette Best Of The Springs in the Category of Licensed Therapist!

You sit in the car, dreading walking into the office. All the complaints and the drama you will have to face. You keep anticipating everything that will go wrong with the day. You feel like a fraud. While you tell everyone how to be authentic you know you haven’t really been vulnerable with anyone in years.

You try to calm your mind by working out, doing yoga, maybe even meditating. You would think by now you would find some peace. 

You wonder why you feel so alone when you have so many friends who love you. You have worked so long to succeed. Yet the voices in your head continue telling you that you are not enough. You wonder if you are still trying to please the past you, the you that wanted to please others in your life. 

Melissa helps successful yet anxious people want to be in their bodies and move from feeling stressed out and anxious and depressed or numb into feeling more like themselves and comfortable in their bodies. 

Therapy will help you to not feel so alone, even in a room full of people. Instead you will feel more connected with friends and yourself.

Together we can work on relationships so that you are able to easily state what you need and comfortably learn the needs of your partners and friends. 

Despite how hard you work and how successful you have become, you fear living under a bridge. Together, we will learn how to get out of that fear mentality -- so that you know that you are not simply what you do. We will take all that anxiety and let it drift away, and replacing it with more confidence, steadiness and solidity. 

For the past twelve years, Melissa has loved helping leaders --  successful, intelligent, driven people -- who have had bad things happen in their past and are still facing anxiety to this day overcome the pain that they are still facing on a regular basis.

Clients say that even after a few sessions, they feel more grounded and that the chatter in their head diminishes significantly. 


Hi! I am an anxiety therapist in Colorado Springs. If you are ready to stop the anxious cycle, the fears, the worries, contactme for your free 15 minute consultation for an anxiety therapist. 

"Before seeing Melissa, I felt like I was stuck in the back of a cave, alone and in the dark.

Working with Melissa feels like sitting across from one another in a cozy space, between a warm fire.

My personal and work relationships are starting to also feel much more warm and connecting."

~ Laura (Client's name has been changed.)

"I feel free, more whole as a person, able to live my life more intentionally and authentically."

~ Darren. (Client's name has been changed.)

It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.